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Locl Premium

Best in class Google Business Profile (GBP) Listing, Reputation, Performance, and Social management and automation tools.


Locl Score

Quickly see where your business is visible on the top 50+ Search Directories and where your problems exist.

Directory Sync

Directory Sync enrolls, corrects, and synchronizes missing and inaccurate listings automatically.

Use case
Direct: B2B


Everything you need to manage your brand online and turn searches into in-store visits and customers.


Locl removes the frustration from multi-location, multi-platform management and automation.


Locl enables agencies to drive sales, client retention, and scale listings management as a service.

Enterprise: B2B2B: White Label, Resellers, and Referral Partners


Locl’s Destination Performance Program educates, equips, and elevates destinations, improving the visitor experience and new insights.

Payment Service Providers

Merchants with high-performing listings attract and transact more often. Offer Locl to your merchants through white-label, resale, and embedded options.

SaaS Providers

Offer Locl to your existing customers as a value-add differentiator and revenue stream. Refer, resell, or offer via API.


Locl Premium

Best in class Google Business Profile (GBP) Listing, Reputation, Performance, and Social management and automation tools.


Locl Score

Quickly see where your business is visible on the top 50+ Search Directories and where your problems exist.

Directory Sync

Directory Sync enrolls, corrects, and synchronizes missing and inaccurate listings automatically.

Use case
Direct: B2B


Everything you need to manage your brand online and turn searches into in-store visits and customers.


Locl removes the frustration from multi-location, multi-platform management and automation.


Locl enables agencies to drive sales, client retention, and scale listings management as a service.

Enterprise: B2B2B: White Label, Resellers, and Referral Partners


Locl’s Destination Performance Program educates, equips, and elevates destinations, improving the visitor experience and new insights.

Payment Service Providers

Merchants with high-performing listings attract and transact more often. Offer Locl to your merchants through white-label, resale, and embedded options.

SaaS Providers

Offer Locl to your existing customers as a value-add differentiator and revenue stream. Refer, resell, or offer via API.


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Navigating Local SEO for Service-Area Businesses


Local SEO for service-area businesses (SABs), which operate in multiple locations without a physical storefront, presents unique challenges and opportunities. This guide will explore effective strategies for SABs to improve their local SEO and reach their target audience more effectively.

  1. Optimizing Google My Business for SABs:
  • Service Areas: Define your service areas accurately on your Google My Business profile to ensure visibility in the relevant local searches.
  • No Physical Address: If you don’t have a physical location, make sure to set your business address as ‘service-area’ to maintain privacy and relevance.
  1. Focused Keyword Strategy:
  • Local Keywords: Incorporate local keywords relevant to each area you serve. This includes city names, neighborhood names, and region-specific terms.
  1. Building Local Citations:
  • NAP Consistency: Ensure your business’s Name, Address, and Phone Number (NAP) are consistent across all local citations, even if you don’t have a physical address.
  • Local Directories: Get listed in local business directories for each area you serve.
  1. Developing Localized Content:
  • Area-Specific Pages: Create separate pages on your website for different service areas, with localized content and keywords for each.
  • Blogging About Local Events: Engage with local communities by blogging about local events, news, or issues related to your industry.
  1. Encouraging and Managing Reviews:
  • Local Reviews: Encourage customers from different service areas to leave reviews. Respond to all reviews to show engagement and build trust.
  1. Local Backlink Strategy:
  • Backlinks from Local Sources: Gain backlinks from local news sites, community websites, and other relevant local online platforms.
  1. Utilizing Social Media for Local Engagement:
  • Community Involvement: Use social media to engage with local communities in your service areas. Participate in local conversations and share relevant local content.
  1. Mobile Optimization:
  • Mobile-Friendly Website: Ensure your website is optimized for mobile users, as many local searches are performed on mobile devices.
  1. Utilizing Local Schema Markup:
  • Structured Data: Implement local schema markup on your website to provide search engines with detailed information about your business services and areas.
  1. Monitoring Local SEO Performance:
  • Track Rankings and Traffic: Use SEO tools to monitor your search rankings and website traffic for different local areas. Adjust your strategies based on performance.


Navigating local SEO for service-area businesses requires a tailored approach that focuses on accurate service area definition, localized content, and strong community engagement. By implementing these strategies, SABs can effectively enhance their online presence, reach their target audience, and grow their business in multiple locations.

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